Spring is in the air – well, almost – and to celebrate the T.Arts Gallery in Bathurst is launching the work of a family of artists featuring a diversity of work embracing both oil painting and the arcane art of felting.

ArtFelt is an exhibition of work by Judith, Kate and Charles Boag and opens at the gallery at 75 Keppel St on Friday, August 19, at 4pm. All are welcome.

The atmosphere will be Heart Felt if not ArtFelt!

 Judith’s work is well known in the area: her felting, which embraces everything from dancing ducks and hats and exquisite shawls to the most elaborate of bowls, always sells well – waddles out the door, as some wag has it.

Kate, a young emerging artist, is an intriguing interpreter of the local landscape, her oils a beautiful take on forms and colours that ‘often,’ as she says, ‘go unnoticed’. While capable of producing the most beautifully delicate botanic works – she’s a graduate in Natural History Illustration at  Newcastle University – for this exhibition Kate has produced a series of extraordinary oil paintings, many from this region that are both vivid and exciting.

Charles Boag, better known as the creator of the Mister Rainbow noir detective series of books, is more conventional, his work ranging from representations of leaves and flowers to sea scenes. He insists if he has inherited any talent he might have from his daughter.